All you need to know about PDO Mono Threads Side Effects

PDO Mono Threads Side Effects

Welcome to the PDO mono-thread universe! PDO mono threads are revolutionary for skin renewal and tightening, but are they risk-free? Although they provide a non-surgical means of increasing collagen and enhancing skin texture, they may cause moderate bruising, swelling, and transient discomfort.


Issues like infection or thread migration can occur. These side effects are minor and go away in a few days. However, appropriate aftercare and selecting a qualified practitioner are essential to reduce risks and guarantee the greatest outcomes.


So, what’s more on these PDO mono threads side effects? Let's discuss them in detail to ensure you know exactly what to anticipate!


What Are PDO Threads?


PDO (polydioxanone) threads are dissolvable sutures for skin rejuvenation procedures. PDO threads lift the facial tissues while creating supple skin and producing new collagen structures. New youthful skin emerges after the threads dissolve.


PDO threads exist in three basic types.


● Mono threads: These threads enhance skin firmness through improved collagen creation while functioning as single smooth threads. They work best at skin tightening but do not perform sufficient skin lifting.

● Cog threads feature barbed ends running along the length which helps lift and maintain facial contours.

● Screw threads have a spiral design that works by inserting volume at specific areas.

The expert practitioner helps determine the appropriate treatment method based on skin type requirements.


But, what are PDO threads made of?


PDO threads are medical sutures composed of polydioxanone which degrade gradually in the body. The body-friendly properties of this substance allow it to dissolve slowly until collagen formation sets in.


Introduction to PDO Mono threads


Mono Threads Side Effects


PDO mono threads consist of single-strand smooth barb-free threads which primarily tighten moderate sagging and stimulate collagen production for enhancing skin quality. The skin achieves better elasticity and hardness from PDO Mono threads without experiencing major elevation. Getting this treatment provides the most effective option when you wish to avoid surgery.


And who doesn’t want smooth, silky skin, especially around the facial and neck area, where most procedures are done?


Your face plays a huge role in your first impressions, so you must ensure it remains presentable even as you age. The cosmetic effects of PDO mono face threading do not bring significant facial transformations but their impact is worth considering.


So say goodbye to wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin.


How long does the procedure take?


The entire procedure takes at least 30 minutes, and the effects can last up to almost two years. Unlike other invasive procedures that include surgery, it takes at least two weeks to heal completely, and the results show over the next few weeks.


In fact, it is a relatively short procedure that does not require any days off, so it’s sometimes called a lunchtime facelift.


Does this sound too good to be true? Well, everything has its upsides and downsides, and Mono Threads are not an exclusion. Though considered a safe, reliable, and painless procedure, very few cases of severe adverse reactions have been reported.


So, having all the information is essential before making any decisions. Remember, it's your face on the line; you better be safe than sorry.


Now, what are the mono threads side effects?


Mono Thread Downsides


Mono Threads Side Effects


Despite the procedure seemingly appearing smooth and inconsequential, some known downsides exist. Here are some of the mono threads side effects known to occur;


● Pain and swelling

● Discoloration and bruising

● Skin dimpling

● Infection

● Allergies

● Discomfort

● Numbness and face paralysis

● Lumps and Bumps

● Visible and palpable threads

● Snapping of threads

● Facial Asymmetry

A deeper view of each side effect is here; keep going!


1. Pain and swelling


After the procedure, some swelling and discomfort may be noticed around the affected area. This is considered entirely normal for at least two weeks after the treatment. The pain and swellings are less than those who have had facelifts.


Pain can be managed by using a cold compress such as an ice pack as a home remedy or over-the-counter medications advised by the doctor.


If the pain and symptoms persist, contact the practitioner who performed the procedure for proper advice and medical attention.


This is to prevent further complications along the road.


2. Discoloration and bruising


Some redness and bruising might be observed around the treatment site. This is expected as the PDO Mono Threads are directly injected into the face.

The injections are not deep, and the discoloration is meant to subside after a few days.

If you feel alarmed, consult the doctor for some assurance and assistance.


3. Skin dimpling


Risks of skin puckering arise due to improper thread positioning or excessive tightness of the threads during surgery. The improper placement or excessive tension on the threads causes the skin surface to become uneven and develop small pockmarks.


The dimpled appearance of your skin will normally resolve upon thread removal during skin healing. According to the practitioner's recommendation, you can receive beneficial results from the gentle massage. Following up with your practitioner may be necessary to remove or alter the threads if the dimpling remains persistent.


4. Infection


Infection poses a serious side effect that healthcare providers need to treat right away despite its infrequent occurrence. When infection develops at the treatment site it produces increased redness combined with swelling and warmth while pain becomes severe and may cause fever symptoms.


Adhere to procedures that strictly practice asepsis because this reduces the chances of developing infections. After thread placement, you should uphold all postoperative guidance that includes maintaining a clean area while avoiding contact with treated regions with unclean hands.


5. Discomfort


Mono Threads Side Effects


The normal post-operative experience includes overall discomfort and the treated site feels stretched or tight. The skin discomfort from threads typically resolves itself because the material integrates with tissue structure and normal skin adaptations. The discomfort will respond to over-the-counter pain medications while closely following post-treatment care protocols.


6. Allergies


Allergic reactions to PDO threads are unusual but potential so patients might experience redness combined with swelling, itching, and hives in the treatment zone. Breathing disturbances or anaphylaxis arise as the extreme outcome of allergic reactions. This medical emergency requires immediate medical attention. Any previous allergy experiences need evaluation by your practitioner before proceeding with the treatment.


7. Numbness and face paralysis


● Numbness: If the threads are positioned close to or around nerves, numbness may develop. This is usually a transient feeling that will disappear as the tissues mend and the swelling decreases. For over a few weeks, numbness should be felt; see your practitioner.

● Facial Paralysis: This is a very uncommon yet dangerous side effect. It occurs if a nerve is injured during the process. Specific facial movements may become immobile as a result of this. If you have severe facial paralysis or weakness, you need to get medical help right once.


8. Lumps and bumps


There may be lumps and bumps along the thread's route. These are typically the result of incorrect positioning or the body's response to the threads. Most lumps and bumps go away naturally as the threads assimilate into the tissue.


A gentle massage can be beneficial, as recommended by your practitioner. If lumps continue, a follow-up procedure may be required to remove or modify the threads.


9. Visible and palpable threads


If the threads are not inserted deeply enough, they may occasionally become felt or visible beneath the skin, which could result in uneven skin tone. Your practitioner might have to remove or relocate the threads if this happens. Sometimes, visibility decreases when the threads settle and start to produce collagen.


10. Snapping of threads


If the threads are not inserted deeply enough, they may occasionally become felt or visible beneath the skin, resulting in uneven skin tone. Your practitioner might have to remove or relocate the threads if this happens. Sometimes, visibility decreases when the threads settle and start to produce collagen.


11. Facial Asymmetry


If the threads are not positioned symmetrically, facial asymmetry could arise. As a result, one side of the face may appear different from the other. Minor asymmetries frequently improve when the swelling goes down and the threads settle. If there is still considerable asymmetry, your practitioner might need to provide more treatments to address the imbalance.


How to prevent PDO Mono Threads side effects


Mono Threads Side Effects


Knowing how to control and avoid mono threads side effects is essential for a seamless recovery and the best possible outcomes after your PDO mono-thread surgery. By being proactive and adhering to recommended practices, you can lessen discomfort and lower the chance of complications.


What else? Let’s find out!


Now let us take a look at  what you are supposed to do before:


● Avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking at least a week before the procedure to minimize the risk of bruising.

● Ensure adequate hydration by drinking lots of water.

● Avoid blood thinning medications and supplements such as Ibuprofen, heparin, and aspirin. Inform the doctor in case you are.

● Ensure a holistic consultation, examination, and a complete medical history are taken to minimize possible risks.

● Discuss what to expect and the procedure's risks before making an informed decision to be mentally prepared and manage your expectations. You may want to look like a celebrity but be assured you’ll be an even better version of yourself.


While PDO threading is minimally invasive and has many perks, you must be a good candidate to avoid the signs of thread lift gone wrong. So, who is not eligible for the procedure?


● Pregnant women.

● Those with skin infections and other illnesses

● Diabetes

● Bleeding and blood disorders

● Autoimmune diseases

Take these precautions before the procedure to avoid severe PDO Mono Threads side effects.


During the procedure


To minimize mono threads side effects during the PDO thread lift procedure, the medical provider will adhere to the following:


1. The area that requires treatment will be disinfected to minimize the risk of infection and ensure the patient's safety. A local anesthetic can be used to numb the area.

2. Small cannulas containing the PDO Mono Threads will be inserted in a mesh pattern along the treatment site, whether it's your cheeks, neck, jawline, or nasolabial folds. This is done to increase the production of collagen. The person performing the procedure must be very skilled.

3. Instructions will be given again for the aftercare, and follow-up appointments will be made.


The aftercare


Here are a few things to be done after the procedure to avoid mono threads side effects:


● The medical provider may prescribe antibiotics as a precaution to avoid the risk of infection.

● To prevent irritation, avoid using skincare and cosmetic products for 48 hours, including makeup and oil-based moisturizers.

● Avoid strenuous activities that cause sweating for two weeks, such as contact sports and gym.

● To avoid straining, do not touch, massage, or exaggerate facial expressions such as laughing, chewing, and even talking.

● Avoid alcohol use and smoking to enable the skin to heal efficiently and to allow better circulation.

● Avoid shaving and tweezing for the next week to prevent accidentally damaging the inserted PDO Mono Threads.

● Avoid hot showers and water on the treatment site, and wash and dry the face gently.

● Sleep on your back, not the sides, to avoid straining the affected area. Elevate your head while sleeping to reduce swelling.

● Avoid facial treatments for at least two weeks, such as waxing facials and other aesthetic treatments.

● Wait to have dental work done for 4 to 6 weeks.

● Apply ice packs or even a cold compress to help with the swelling and discomfort at least 3 to 4 times a day for at least 15 to 20 minutes on the affected area.

● Avoid using medications that are blood thinners, such as ibuprofen warfarin, as it may cause bleeding at the treatment site.

● Avoid extreme sun exposure and heat treatments such as saunas, hot tubs, or solariums. Sunscreens could be recommended for sun exposure.

● Avoid self-tanning or getting tans for at least three weeks to minimize the risk of complications.


It seems hectic, but it's a small price to pay to look and feel beautiful. A certified professional should be able to provide in-depth details on what to do.


Bonus Tip: Ensure you research where and who will perform the procedure to minimize the risks and ensure your safety. Check their credentials if need be and make sure they are board-certified.


How to manage PDO Mono Threads Side effects 


First and foremost, most risks come from needing to follow instructions and proper before-and-after care of the procedure.


So why risk it when the results could be more rewarding? Better prevention than cure.


There are expected PDO Mono Thread side effects that, if managed poorly, other severe complications could come up.


Here is what to do:


1. So, if you notice any abnormal signs, as mentioned above, it's essential to contact the medical practitioner who performed the procedure. If you are not satisfied, seek a second opinion for further confirmation.

2. Follow-up appointments should be attended as the practitioner advises.

3. Ensure the procedure is done by certified and skilled medical personnel.




Diaminy PDO Mono Thread


Everyone wants to look beautiful, and why not? As we age, our bodies start showing signs, some of which are visible.


Some are considered flaws, and people need to enhance their features. This could be through simple methods such as accessorizing, a change in fashion style, or even makeup. We all want to stay young.


However, some opt to pursue a different path in cosmetic procedures. Depending on the person's needs, surgical and non-surgical methods are available. Many prefer non-invasive procedures because they are simple, reliable, affordable, and can be done during downtime.


PDO Mono Threads is a minimally invasive method that does not require hospitalization and mono threads side effects are minimal. It is preferred because the procedure takes at least 30 to 45 minutes.


It has a short recovery period, but the effects are long-lasting.


Welcome to Diaminy PDO Mono threads


Diaminy cares about your health and your needs. We are committed to ensuring our clients are well-informed about our products. We offer quality, pocket-friendly products that will ensure you age backward.


At Diaminy, we prioritize your well-being while ensuring you always look like your best self. Top medical practitioners also trust the quality of our products. Visit us to see our selection of PDO mono threads.