How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Lip Fillers

How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Lip Fillers

Are you looking to achieve smooth, symmetrical, and luscious lips? Then lip fillers should be at the top of your list of effective aesthetic treatments. Why? They have been proven to produce exceptional results and the youthful appearance you so much look forward to.


Injecting lip fillers is a simple and non-surgical procedure, but many factors must be considered, including age, which is a major consideration when it comes to the dermal fillers conversation. The big question always is, ā€œHow old to get lip fillersĀ do you have to be?ā€


So, if you're wondering whether you're old enough for fillers, don't worry. Here is a detailed view of the topic to help you make an informed decision.


What are Lip Fillers?


Simply put, they are injectable cosmetic material inserted onto the lips to keep them voluminous and even. They are mostly made of hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in the body, but they can also be made of Poly-L-Lactic acid, Calcium hydroxylapatite, or Autologous fat. These substances are essential in achieving natural-looking lips and addressing wrinkles on and around the lips.


They also play a crucial role in general body aesthetics, including boosting your general appearance. Therefore, it's important to talk to the injector about the outcomes you expect from the procedure.


How Do They Work?


How old to get lip fillers


It is normal to lose volume around the lips due to genetics, age, sun damage, and lifestyle factors such as smoking. However, lip fillers can help with restoration and help you reverse these effects.


And while they may not stop the aging process, they provide a safer and more natural alternative for invasive lip augmentation treatments such as implants.


So, how do they work?


The lip filler procedure is simple. First, you have to get in touch with a skin and cosmetics expert to guide you through the process. They will assess if you are the ideal candidate for the treatment or not and if your desired results can be achieved. Afterward, you will book a procedure and prepare adequately with tips from your doctor.


During the procedure, your doctor will administer an anesthetic to minimize pain. This is crucial, as lips can be delicate, and you have to feel as comfortable as possible. You will have the option of getting the filler injected using a needle or a microcannula for lip fillers. Using a microcannula for fillers is safer as it has a blunt tip that prevents damage to the tissue or blood vessels around the lips.


After injecting the filler under the skin, your doctor will apply a cold compress to avoid swelling and pain, which may increase after the numbing agent wears off. They will then provide you with detailed instructions on how to take care of your lips after the procedure.


When your injector inserts the filler under the skin, the hyaluronic acid binds to the water and expands, adding to the fullness of the lips and providing an attractive contour.


Lip fillers work fast, and you should start seeing results as soon as on day 2 of getting lip fillers.Ā This is when the pain and swelling start to go away, and you can sit back and watch your lips fill and develop the required symmetry.


How Old to Get Lip Fillers?


While lip fillers have emerged as the perfect treatment for lip augmentation, they are not approved for use by all individuals. One of the main factors that determine your suitability for lip fillers is your age.


The age limit for getting lip fillers mostly depends on your national and state laws. According to the Food and Drug Authority, they should not be applied by patients below the age 22. This is also the general feeling among experts globally, although some laws create exceptions for 18-21-year-olds if they have parental consent to get lip fillers.


This limit also applies to other dermal fillers for various reasons. Therefore, it's best to adhere to it to avoid not only being on the wrong side of the law but also falling victim to lip filler side effects that experts warn about.


Significance of the Age Limit for Getting Lip Fillers


How old to get lip fillers


Lip fillers and other dermal fillers for all genders have been approved for use, and they achieve various aesthetic effects. However, professionals agree that the age limit for getting lip fillers is still a good idea, and here are some reasons why.


1.Ā Patient Safety


While lip fillers undergo thorough testing for efficiency, Ā their effectiveness for patients below 22 years is not tested or proven. This is because experts regard patients below that age as 'immature' in terms of their skin and facial anatomy.


Therefore, it's important to wait until the face and skin have fully matured so that your lips can reap the full benefits of lip fillers.


2.Ā Managing Expected Outcomes


We can all agree that it is hard to keep our anticipation in check when it comes to cosmetic treatments. However, as we mature, we learn to manage expectations better and understand how to set more realistic aesthetic goals for different treatments. This is why authorities recommend patients to be at least 22 years old, which is old enough for them to make informed choices.


3.Ā Lip Fillers Cost


Most individuals aged 21 and below can hardly afford a full lip filler procedure. The cost of the treatment begins accumulating during the consultation stage, where the more experienced the doctor is, the more they charge.


However, individuals who don't know how old to get lip fillersĀ you have to be may not have enough money to cover all these expenses. Therefore, they may easily resort to cheaper quacks claiming to be skilled professional medical practitioners and sub-standard ingredients and equipment for the procedure, which may result in risky procedures and poor outcomes.


4.Ā Perspective for Getting Lip Fillers


Lip fillers have been proven to help reduce wrinkles around the lips and enhance your overall looks. However, younger patients may have different motives for getting lip fillers, such as fitting in or molding their facial features to perfection.


This age limit provides you with the opportunity to develop your own free will and perspective before undergoing the procedure.


Parental Guidance


How old to get lip fillers


If you are under 22 years and would like to get fillers, it is possible, but only with a guardian's guidance. However, before obtaining consent, you must have a sincere conversation with your medical practitioner and your parents.


During this sit-down, you will be guided on even the details of the procedure, including the preparations, eventual aftercare, expected results, andĀ frequency of lip filler procedures. You should also state your reasons for undergoing the procedure, and the doctor will to assess and determine whether you are fit for the procedure.


With the right decisions made in respect to ethical and medical considerations, you should be able to make the right decision, whether you want to go ahead with the treatment or wait until the right age.


Other Factors That Determine Your Suitability for Lip Fillers


Apart from the laws determining how old to get lip fillers, there are other factors that play a crucial role in determining your suitability for a lip filler procedure. These include:


  1. Realistic expectations - Your expectations will play a significant role in assessing whether you are the ideal candidate for a lip filler procedure. A good candidate should have reasonable, realistic, and achievable expected outcomes. They should also understand that lip fillers can make changes to the lips' appearance but can't dramatically transform their shape and size, and this will be key in improving satisfaction with the outcomes.
  2. Physical and mental well being - Patients should be physically and mentally sound before choosing to apply lip fillers. This means that they should be free of medical conditions such as blood clotting disorders or active skin concerns, which may affect the procedure's outcomes. Moreover, your skin expert will ask you some questions to determine if you are mentally sound and making the decision for the right reasons.
  3. Lifestyle factors - Some lifestyle factors, such as smoking, may affect your suitability for the treatment if they cause blood circulation complications. This is why non-smokers are preferred candidates for getting lip fillers.
  4. Willingness to follow instructions - If you want to get lip fillers, you must be ready to adhere to various sets of instructions from your medical practitioner. These include preparation guidelines and aftercare instructions, which are crucial to the success of the procedure and will guarantee you the desired results with minimal downtime.


Potential Risks of Getting Lip Fillers Before the Right Age


Lip fillers can achieve sensational products if the procedure is performed properly. However, the outcomes can be disappointing for various reasons, including getting the filler before the recommended age. Some of the complications that you may experience in this case are:


1.Ā Unnatural Appearance


One of the most noticeable results of a lip filler procedure gone wrong is an unnatural look, which manifests as asymmetrical, overly large, or uneven lips. This is the complete opposite of the expected results and is even more common if you apply lip fillers on 'immature' skin. The skin may not hold the filler or react differently to it, causing unsightly, disproportionate lips.


2.Ā Migration


There is a major difference between the lips of a 17-year-old and those of a 22-year-old. This is why younger skin is more prone to the complications and side effects of lip fillers gone wrong.


One of these complications is filler movement or migration, which occurs when the filler cannot stay put in the lip section where it was originally injected, leading to poor results. However, you can avoid this by getting a thicker filler and injecting it deeper, where it will stay for a long time without migrating.


3.Ā Infections and Allergies


Infections and allergies are among the most severe side effects of a lip filler procedure gone wrongĀ or poor aftercare. 'Immature' skin around the lips is more susceptible to these complications, which come with sudden swelling, numbness, and rashes.


Allergies and infections can also be caused by poor technique in procedures performed by an unskilled practitioner. This is also common in underage patients, who may be unable to afford a professional procedure by a licensed injector.


4.Ā Pain and Discomfort


Pain and discomfort are not unexpected after a lip filler procedure. However, these side effects may persist in younger patients with softer and more delicate lips. When the filler is injected under the skin on the lips, the entry points swell, bruise, and become painful, especially when using traditional hypodermic needles, which could cause injury to skin tissue.


5.Ā Psychological Effect


Younger patients tend to succumb to peer pressure and set very high expectations about the outcomes of their lip fillers. However, when these expectations fail to match the outcomes, it leads to low self-esteem and confidence about one's looks. This is prevalent when botched procedures cause unnatural results, swelling, and bruising.




How old to get lip fillers


One of the first things a good medical practitioner will do before a lip filler procedure is ask about your age. However, some patients do not know about the age limit for getting lip fillers or its significance, hence why most patients under 22 years old get frustrated when they are denied the cosmetic service they think they require.


If you have selected lip fillers as your preferred treatment for lip augmentation, ensure that you are above 21 years old or get parental consent. This is because it is crucial to understand everything about the treatment, from its procedure to the side effects and complications you should expect.


At Diaminy, we understand the importance of getting safe and satisfactory cosmetic procedures. This is why we provide the best products and services, ranging from hypodermic needles or microcannulas for injecting lip fillers. For the best services in the industry, contact usĀ today and we'll help you kickstart your lip augmentation journey.

