Everyone wants to remain young, right? The skin is the largest organ in the human body. When anyone looks at you, they are most likely going to notice your skin. Just like any other body part, it is subjected to numerous changes in one’s lifetime.
Historically, humans have tried to reverse the signs of old age through various skin care regimens and medical procedures. Perhaps the most popular non-surgical procedure is using dermal fillers. However, there is a new kid on the block!
PDO mono threads are the talk of town due to the numerous mono threads benefits they offer. So what exactly are these mono threads benefits offered by PDO mono threads?

First and Foremost: What do PDO mono threads seek to correct?
Well, before we dive in, we have to look at the brief background on what PDO mono threads aim to rectify. Why are PDO mono threads used? It is important to note that Collagen maintains elasticity, while sebum moisturizes the skin to maintain a youthful look. Collagen and sebum production reduces as one ages, causing drier and less elastic skin.
The lack of elasticity causes sagging skin and tissue, while drier skin leads to wrinkling of the face, especially along the brow and chin.
PDO mono threads alter your appearance by promoting collagen production while giving you a slight skin lift immediately after the procedure. How intriguing, right?But how is this different from what dermal fillers do?
Dermal fillers reduce wrinkling by adding volume to sunken skin, while PDO threads stimulate collagen production, keeping the skin smooth and supple. Both treatments have gained popularity among patients and practitioners. They each offer anti-aging benefits, but PDO mono threads benefits seem to win over the hearts of many due to their distinct features.

So, what is a Polydioxanone mono thread lift?
What is Polydioxanone? Polydioxanone is a polymer that dissolves into the skin, triggering sebum production. Polymers are extracted into threads, and then used in medical procedures such as cardiac surgery.
There are three types of threads, namely:
- Polycaprolactone (PCA),

- Polylactic acid(PLA),

- Polydioxanone(PDO).

Then what is a PDO mono thread? PDO mono threads are made from the amino acid Polydioxanone. They are small and are inserted into the skin to stimulate collagen production. PDO mono threads have gained popularity in the cosmetic industry and have been used to reduce the effects of facial scaffolding for many years.
What you may find interesting about these threads is that they are actually derived from an amino acid, it is therefore immensely safe to have them inserted without having to worry what the doctor put in your body. The procedure is intended to rejuvenate the skin to give it a youthful look. PDO threads are placed beneath the skin where a natural contour is desired.
How do these threads dissolve into the skin surface ,you may ask. These threads basically dissolve into your skin through hydrolysis, consequently activating collagen production in the targeted area.
PDOs are non-allergenic and are preferred to sutures because they do not cause scarification upon contraction. PDOs are also referred to as short threads due to their thread-like structures. PDO monos are better suited for skin tightening and tissue rejuvenation, unlike the screw and cog threads that are primarily used for physical facelifts.
How long does it take for PDO Threads to take effect?
Sadly you may leave the doctor's office not looking like your favorite celebrity with PDO mono threads. Surgical procedures, on the other hand, guarantee immediate results. But do not be alarmed—here is why!
You may not notice the results immediately after the procedure because the Polydioxanone takes a while to dissolve to the skin’s surface. In roughly 8 to 12 weeks, you should be able to see some slight improvements in your appearance.
However, be guided that this may still not be as drastic as expect, you may think that this is awfully disappointing but let me tell you why PDO mono threads are the gift that never stop giving.
PDO mono threads trigger natural body functions. Your skin was by design,required to produce collagen : these threads only give it a boost to ensure continued collagen production even in old age. It will also take an average of 6 to 8 months for the Polydioxanone to dissolve into the skin completely.
PDO threads will have you aging backward over time,and what's more, no one can tell you had your skin done due to the natural-looking results. Think of it as a skin elixir that ensures your skin never ages!
Where are PDOs applicable?
Can PDO threads be inserted all over the body? Who doesn’t want to look young all over right? The answer, unfortunately, is no. As the ironies of life would have it ,your facial areas are mostly affected by the storm that is old age and this is what PDO mono threads are tailored for.
Therefore, you can have the threads inserted
around the jawline, cheeks, brow, neck, lips, and eyes areas more prone to signs of aging.

Benefits of PDO mono threads Over Fillers
1. PDO mono threads are more cost-effective
About the PDO mono threads benefits, during the initial procedure, PDO mono threads are often more expensive than dermal fillers. However, they are still considered more cost-effective than dermal fillers.
Dermal fillers require frequent touch-ups for enhanced results, unlike mono threads, whose touch-ups are rarely done due to their long-lasting effects.
PDO mono threads offer long-lasting results due to the continued triggering of collagen and sebum production for up to two years. Fewer treatments are, therefore, needed over time compared to dermal fillers.
PDO mono threads offer unprecedented comprehensive benefits, such as texture improvement and tightening. These solutions might require additional treatment when dermal fillers are the sole corrective procedure.
The holistic solution approach enhances PDO mono threads' cost-effectiveness over dermal fillers.
2. PDO mono threads offer Non-surgical solutions
Due to their non-invasive application, PDO mono threads are often preferred to other cosmetic procedures. PDO threads as stated earlier will give you a non-surgical facelift,view it as a cheaper facelift with the bonus of not having to go under the knife.
On the other hand, dermal fillers only plump the skin and smoothen wrinkles without a facelift, making the PDO mono threads more beneficial than dermal fillers.
3. PDO threads offer long-lasting results
Fillers last anywhere between 6 to 18 months, while PDO thread’s effects can last up to 24 months. This is due to the continued collagen production caused by Polydioxanone, which naturally rejuvenates the skin.
Consistent skin improvement provides sustainable results that reduce the necessity for constant touch-ups. PDO mono threads thus provide sustainable and durable results, unlike dermal fillers.PDOs are, therefore, a better option for anyone seeking long-term aesthetic facial improvement.
4. PDOs offer quicker recovery durations
Another PDO mono threads benefits provides over dermal fillers is the minimal recovery period associated with the cosmetic procedure.
Unlike dermal fillers, PDO mono thread treatment does not require lengthy recovery periods. You can resume their everyday lives almost immediately after the procedure.
The procedure is also fast, it is done on a recliner chair and completed within an hour. It is less invasive than dermal fillers, where patients suffer minimal discomfort due to the tools used to insert the threads.
Fillers, however, require longer recovery time due to the swelling occasioned by the invasive needles under the skin during the procedure.
5. PDOs offer natural results
Collagen production is a natural body process,PDO mono threads benefits simply ensure increased collagen production to smoothen out those folds on your skin.
Dermal fillers, on the other hand, may provide an overfilled appearance that may manifest when fillers are administered unproportionally.

6. PDOs offer Reduced Risk of complication
For you to get a filler , your medical practitioner will administer a gel solution under your skin to restore skin volume in dermal filler procedures. Fillers are made with Hyaluronic Acid and Poly-lactic acid, among other unnatural substances. The substances injected into the skin may be allergenic or cause various complications for the patient, making the healing process agonizing.
On the other hand, the safety profile of PDO threads is well established. The process utilizes biocompatible polymers that naturally dissolve into the skin over time.
PDOs offer natural results due to collagen production instead of dermal fillers, where wrinkles are only smoothened out by the gel-like substances under the skin's surface. PDO mono threads benefits have thus gained more popularity due to their safety benefits.
7. PDOs are highly customizable
As cosmetology evolves, practitioners have developed new ways to tailor the available treatments to cater to patients' specific needs. PDOs are often customized to address patient’s particular concerns.
Unlike dermal fillers, whose applicability is limited to specific areas on the skin, PDOs can lift sagging skin in different areas while improving the texture.
Unlike dermal fillers with limited use cases, PDOs are also used as natural contours, this is a definite win for PDO mono threads.
8. PDOs offer comprehensive results.
PDO mono threads offer comprehensive cosmetic benefits, unlike dermal fillers. PDO mono threads benefits ensure the skin remains youthful over a long time due to the firmness occasioned by the increased collagen. The skin is firmer and more resilient to harsh weather conditions and other side effects of old age.
Collagen and sebum production also prevent other prevailing sin conditions, such as scaling and acne.
On the other hand, fillers only offer cosmetic, visible results that do not lead to long-term skin improvements. The comprehensive benefits of PDO mono threads, as opposed to dermal fillers, have thus made this mode of treatment popular among patients and practitioners.
9. PDO mono threads are minimally invasive
The minimally invasive nature of PDO mono thread treatment has led to their popularity in cosmetology. Unlike dermal fillers, PDO mono threads benefits especially in their installation technique. PDO threads are attached under your skin with a cannula or tiny needles. The cannula's entry point is a small incision, reducing trauma during the procedure. Therefore, PDO mono threads benefits have thus gained more popularity due to their minimally invasive.
The minimized trauma also ensures that no scaring occurs after the healing, making them popular among patients. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are more invasive as practitioners need to use needles to poke all areas of the skin that require additional volume. The minimally invasive nature of PDOs ensures the patient is comfortable throughout the procedure and can offer feedback for maximum benefit.
10. PDOs offer skin tightening and firming
PDO mono threads are generally used for facelifts. However, they also offer skin firming and tightening, which is why they are popular in the cosmetic industry. Therefore, they address skin sagging much better than dermal fillers, which only add volume.
11. PDOs are undetectable on the skin
When used in the wrong hands, dermal fillers are associated with migration. Migration means moving the gel-like substance to another area under the skin surface. The shift causes lumps and skin unevenness that can only be resolved when the dermal fillers are dissolved. However, PDO mono threads benefits remain in place as they are anchored under the skin during installation.
The stability ensures patients enjoy the maximum benefits of PDO mono threads, boosting confidence and satisfaction.
12. PDOs offers reduced pain levels
Patients often associate dermal fillers with pain and discomfort, which are occasioned by the needles, which, at times, cause bleeding when used incorrectly. With PDO mono threads benefits you will hardly feel a thing during the procedure. Here is to hacking painless cosmetic treatments.
Patients only report discomfort at the beginning of the procedure, unlike in dermal fillers, where patients complain of pain even during the procedure.
13. PDOs offer more desired aesthetic goals
Patients prefer a natural aesthetic look offered by PDO mono threads that do not scream that one got their face done.
PDO threads provide a subtle look, lifting the face and giving it a youthful look. On the other hand, dermal fillers give more profound “artificial” looking results, making them less desirable to patients who seek naturally looking results.
14. PDO mono threads are compatible with other treatments
PDO mono threads are often used with other treatments to enhance results and are considered cost-effective over other procedures for several reasons.
First and foremost, threads can be used together with dermal fillers for increased benefits, slowing down skin aging signs. These two procedures reduce the initial cost of dermal fillers and touch-ups.
15. PDOs require reduced maintenance
PDO threads dissolve naturally, increasing collagen production. This means that patients can achieve desired results over a long time without having the procedure often repeated, unlike fillers. PDO mono threads offer continued benefits without the need to make frequent visits to the practitioner.
Bonus Tip
If you are comfortable with the PDO mono threads,it is important to consult a qualified practitioner. They can help you decide if at all you are qualified to undergo this mode of treatment.
So what’s better, a dermal filler or PDO mono threads?PDO mono threads are associated with numerous benefits, making them more preferred than dermal fillers. However, this decision is rather personal, and you should evaluate all factors before making it. With PDO mono threads benefits you will get a brian
If you are looking for a more economically sound procedure well, PDO mono threads offer more long-lasting and cost-effective benefits as opposed to dermal fillers. PDO mono threads provide more effective and bio-friendly results.
For anyone seeking to improve their appearance without going under the knife, PDO mono threads are the way to go.
Achieve a Natural look with Diaminy PDO mono threads.
Diaminy offers you quality products and ensures no dent occurs in your pocket.
At Diaminy, we prioritize customer satisfaction, we therefore know how important it is to look young within a budget. Top medical practitioners also trust the quality of our products.Visit Diaminy.com to look at our selection of PDO mono threads.
Welcome to your fountain of youth.