You may have noticed a significant change in your favorite celebrity’s facial appearance from their photos on social media. Well, the general assumption is they probably had cosmetic surgery or got lip or dermal fillers.
But actually, there’s a new kid in the block. Many people are not aware of the PDO mono threads and their benefits. So in this article, we’re going to delve into what exactly are PDO mono threads and how are they used?

So, what exactly are PDO Threads
A PDO mono thread is, by definition, a temporary cosmetic treatment administered on the skin’s surface to uplift and tighten the skin.
Any beautician or cosmetic treatment enthusiast will tell you Korea has made significant strides in cosmetology. To no one’s surprise, PDO threads originally gained popularity in Korea and have since made a splash among practitioners and enthusiasts.
The pursuit of beauty and better-looking skin should remain a timeless endeavour.PDO mono threads are deemed a remarkable and exciting advancement that provides many benefits to patients.
You may be surprised to learn that PDO threads will offer the most natural surgical-like results compared to other treatments. How so, you may ask: well, PDO Mono threads are tiny absorbable sutures anchored below the skin to give it a natural, youthful lift. The threads contain polydioxanone that triggers natural collagen stimulation.
The threads are placed under the skin in a mesh-like framework to give the skin a tightening effect, lifting the areas where they are inserted.
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are synthetic, they also dissolve into the skin. What may strike you as interesting is that these synthetic sutures were initially designed for delicate surgeries such as cardiac treatments.
When administering this form of treatment, the practitioner has two intentions: to ensure an initial not-so-dramatic lift immediately after the procedure and to facilitate long-term changes on the skin’s surface. So, how do these PDOs work? Read on to find out.

How PDO Mono Threads Work
PDO mono threads offer a gentle lift on the skin to reverse signs of old age. As one ages, the skin loses its elasticity due to reduced collagen production. The treatment targets the affected areas by installing polydioxanone sutures under the skin.
The polydioxanone stimulates collagen production, improving the skin’s texture and reduces folding and wrinkling.
The threads are often inserted on the jawline, brow area and forehead. The threads are minimally invasive as they are installed under the skin using tiny needles or a cannula, making them ideal for delicate areas on the face.
Once inserted the PDO threads offer support to the folding areas and at the same time stimulate collagen production over time leaving you looking and feeling like a million bucks.
Being a non-surgical procedure, changes are unlikely to be seen immediately after leaving the doctor's office. Ideally, it takes 8 to 12 weeks for slight modifications to be seen, for a full tightening effect, one has to wait 6 to 12 months for the threads to dissolve into the skin fully.
Who can receive the PDO Mono Thread treatment?
Is everyone suitable to benefit from PDO threads? The answer is no. Suitable candidates should be between 23 and 60 years old. Why the specific age gap? PDO treatment is meant to be a corrective or preventive measure.
This means that only those who need their appearance improved are qualified to receive PDO mono thread treatment. Patients suffering from disorders such as diabetes cannot benefit from the procedure.
What are PDO Mono Threads made of?
I am sure by now you a rough idea of what this treatment mode entails; now, let’s delve into the composition and types of threads.
As stated earlier, these threads are crafted from polydioxanone, a bio-friendly amino acid with a high safety profile. The material also dissolves into the skin with reduced risks of allergic reactions in the patients.PDO threads can either be
- Mono threads - These are simple threads inserted under the skin to stimulate collagen production . One should note that these threads are not ideal for lifting; therefore, if you are looking for a significant lift on sagged skin, this may not be the best choice.
- Cog threads- As the name suggests, these threads have barbs along their length. The cogs are hooked onto the skin , giving the desired full lift look. Cog threads should, therefore, be a definite go-to if you are seeking to correct sagging skin, especially on the neck, jawline and cheeks.
- Screw threads-These are intertwined threads ideal for patients who are seeking a more filling look to provide a youthful appearance.

How are these threads installed?
PDO mono threads sound too good to be true; however, one can only realize the promised results if the entire procedure is diligently followed. PDO threads are generally minimally invasive,but what does this mean?
Surgical procedures and dermal fillers are associated with invasiveness due to the poking around and deep cuts during the procedures.PDO threads, on the other hand, are performed in a controlled outpatient setting in a few hours. The process thus involves:
- Consultation- As we have now established, PDO threads come in different types, each suited for specific treatments. It is therefore important to approach a qualified practitioner to discuss which treatment option is better suited to address your concerns as well as the desired results.
- Anesthesia- PDOs are defined as painless due to the small needles used to install the threads and the small incisions made to install the cannula. However, local anesthesia is necessary to reduce discomfort during the procedure, making their installation seamless.
- Insertion -Once you have decided on the best PDO thread suited to your needs, cleanse the area, and apply anesthesia, installation commences. Insertion is done using a cannula or fine needle. The threads are slowly inserted into the epidermis. The number of threads inserted depends on the desired results, thy are also arranged as a mesh for better results.
- Adjustment -At first, you may feel a slight pinch after the anesthesia wears out therefore, adjustment of the threads is important. Administration of local anaesthesia means that the patient can give feedback to ensure the healing process is comfortable. The insertion points are massaged to enable even distribution.
The process is fast, easy and efficient, what’s more, this entire process takes less than an hour!! You can therefore resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure.
Having understood how PDO mono threads work and how they are inserted into the skin one has a brief idea of the benefits of mono threads over fillers. Let’s dive into the benefits of PDO mono threads over fillers while providing a comprehensive understanding of why the method is gaining popularity in the cosmetic industry.
What are some benefits offered by PDO Mono Threads?
So, what drives PDO Mono threads' popularity in aesthetic medicine? These would be the benefits associated with this treatment method. And what are they? Read on and find out.
Minimally invasive
PDO mono threads are minimally invasive due to their non-surgical nature. This appeals to patients who do not like going under the knife.PDO mono threads, therefore offer comprehensive results, making it a workable alternative to surgical treatments
Increased Collagen Production
Polydioxanone, a biodegradable polymer, dissolves into the skin, promoting collagen production.PDO threads ensure continued and progressive results, translating into a natural smooth look.
We have all heard horror stories of botched cosmetic procedures,therefore,any procedure that guarantees safe results is a definite go-to.
Polydioxanone is bio-friendly, which means there is no risk of it being allergenic. Also, the client does not have to deal with complications during the healing process since no significant cuts are made.
Fast and effective
The process takes roughly thirty to sixty minutes,this means you can go back to your daily activities immediately after the procedure.
Unlike dermal fillers ,PDO mono threads can be administered on various parts of the skin to increase collagen production.
Just as with any other cosmetic procedure,there are a few shortcomings associated with the treatment. So, what are some potential risks and complications associated with PDO mono threads, especially when in the wrong hands?
Danger of Asymmetry
When PDO mono threads are administered incorrectly they are likely to lead to uneven results.However this can be corrected by proper adjustments and additional sutures.
Increased Discomfort
Generally, PDO mono threads should not cause discomfort. However, on rare occasions, the patient may experience pain. This can be easily resolved by taking painkillers until the pain subsides.
Of course, just like any other medical procedure there is a risk of infection if not used correctly. Infections are likely to happen at the needle’s insertion points if proper hygiene is not observed.
PDO mono threads involve insertion of 30 to 60 needles throughout the procedure. Bruising and swelling is therefore likely to appear after the anesthesia wears off. This should resolve within a few days.

How can you ensure effective results?
For you to see maximum results,it is important that you observe all the directions your medical practitioner gives you.Any professional should inform you of the necessary after care regimens to ensure optimum results and minimize potential risks.
After the procedure,you should
- Avoid tedious activities -Strenuous activities can increase the risks of swelling. This is because the PDO mono threads need a few days to ease into the skin.
- Observe proper hygiene -, ensure the area on which the treatment was administered remains clean to prevent any infections.
- Keep up to date with your appointments. Visit your doctor or practitioner on the agreed-upon date. They can assess your progress, evaluate potential risks, and address any concerns.
Note that it takes a long time for you to see any results; the results may not also be apparent. However, you should keep in mind that a little patience will quite literally not hurt, and you are likely to enjoy longevity in terms of results. Remember that PDO Mono threads offer an initial gentle lift, giving you a nice, youthful look.
PDO mono threads do not also need frequent touch-ups like dermal fillers. This procedure thus takes care of your pocket by making sure the entire process is sustainable.
So what next for PDO Mono threads
Cosmetology can be dated back to Cleopatra—yes, that far back. Numerous advancements have since led to discoveries we didn't even know existed.
PDO mono threads are no exception, these advancements: the amino sutures were originally used in cardiac surgery and now are used in facelifts. As research progresses, there are a few potential innovations in this field, for instance:
- Improved thread design—As mentioned earlier, PDO mono threads primarily offer increased collagen and sebum production to reverse the signs of old age.
However, these results are not drastic, new research suggests that a more improved thread that offers instant results while increasing sebum production might be underway.
- Personalized treatment: We all have different skin types. PDO mono threads do not seem to put this factor into perspective. Research is needed to tailor threads compatible with different skin types.
Are there any other threads of similar nature?
The answer in this instance is yes and no, PDO mono threads are often compared to other cosmetic threads such as Poly lactic acid threads and Polycaprolactone threads. These threads are all used in cosmetic procedures but vary in their effectiveness.

Bottom Line
PDO Mono threads are quickly gaining popularity for skin rejuvenation. Everyone wants to remain attractive even as they grow older.PDO mono threads offer a wide range of benefits, such as increased collagen production and an eventual facelift.
If you are seeking to age backwards, then PDO mono threads may just be the thing for you.
Diaminy PDO mono threads, Here is what we have to offer
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